Category Archives: Tantra

Subject is love and sex, transcending sex. Transforming passion into compassion

Tantric Sex & Masturbation

I want to explorer masturbation in this text.
Word of warning.
1. Buddhism advocate refraining from sensual pleasures. So you are about to read a text that is NOT buddhism.
2. This is NOT an instruction on howto get a better orgasm. Quite the opposite.

Most of the text is from the Indian guru Osho.

Once in a while I had the urge to masturbate. But it was becoming a problem for me. I would always become a little depressed the day after. And when I became aware of it, I remembered my wife once noted that I often was moody or grumpy the day after sex with her.
I started thinking deeply on this behaviour and I realized that I felt a deep longing when my mood took a dive the day after. There were also a strong feeling of loneliness. For a long time i could not get deeper in the understanding of this.

You will discover that sex is not what you are looking for, it is closeness. To your self. Your thoughts may have been fractured, and you feel incoherent. Your thoughts may be all over the place. You need to come back to your self. To be in a fetal position again. Holding another person intimately is a spiritual thing more than a physical thing. Holding your self or another is the same. It is both mental formations. It is a deep felt safety.

Truly good sex dissolves your self-sense. The boundary between you and you partner dissapears. You become one. Sex is true intimacy with self.

Here follows some text that may inspire you. At the end is a guide to masturbating. Imagine that. “Oh my, isn’t my hands going to fall of, or I will go blind?”

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