Monthly Archives: August 2013


And then the explosion. In a moment, everything was transformed. The question had dropped.
The answer had come from some unknown dimension.
Truth is attained through a sudden explosion, not gradually.
It cannot be compelled to appear. It comes.


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River of life

The life of the untrained is like a wild river. My life was a wild river. Buddhisme is the journey into the mountains. To where the river start. To the river headwaters.

You come to understand so much when you see for your self the origin of it.

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Acceptance revisited


Working with acceptance was a door for me. It changed much. But I keep coming back to this subject, both in conversations and in my daily life. I was also clearly missing a few subtle points, because on occasions I still felt bad. How shall I put it? I was doing good, but it felt heavy work. That is, until I chanced upon the book “Deepest Acceptance”.

I have been working on accepting. It takes attention. I observe my every thought so I can understand myself better. I accept myself. But it is also a chore. I often feel I can’t rest. I am afraid I shall become unhappy if I let down my guard.

“Deepest Acceptance” shifted this for me. When you recognize an emotion, there is no effort in accepting it because it has already been accepted by you. Otherwise it would not have been appearing. The fact that you can identify it, tells you it is already accepted in your being. It has already entered. Accepting is when you are not constantly trying to reject some waves and accepting others.

“Healing is the falling away of all ideas of how this moment should be”. “Acceptance is about recognizing yourself as the open space of acceptance, as the ocean that already accepts all its waves, unconditionally – including any wave of non-acceptance”.

The fine point here is to also accept non-acceptance. The moment I try to get rid of pain, I become a “seeker”.

Other Buddhist text tells of this non-acceptance. I just could not get the real meaning until I read Jeff’s book.

Osho says;  “Accept the unpleasant. No submission, but go with it.
Only if you take it by the hand and follow it along can you gain any insight and transcend.”

I know that I am still not through with this subject. In deep acceptance is also complacency hidden. I still observ and wave hello at all signs appearing in my mind. I just feel much unburdened now.

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All Growth is cancerous

All growth – no exceptions –  is cancerous until something arises that keeps it in check. Growth has no inherent self control. This is the natur of growth. It is because of the lack in control that it grows.

It is always some other existence keeping it in check. This creates diversity. Everything in the universe obeys this fact. Thus it is the law of diversity.

Our ego-construct as well. Unchecked it creates decease. Higher self is the diversity.

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